Wednesday, September 19, 2012

When is a wedding fun to shoot???

A wedding is only really fun for me to shoot when the couple Im shooting are truly relaxed, having fun and a joy to be around...eachother!  Sounds like every wedding right?  Not so from a photography perspective... All too often weddings are set up like a fashion shoot and the photographers job is more about staging phony setups and poses that would belong in a bridal magazine rather than a personal wedding album.  These photos say absolutly nothing about that couple, who they are and what they really mean to one another. I have always steered away from these types of weddings because it becomes more of a production than a celebration of two people joining their lives.  I honeslty think that the heart and soul is missing in alot of wedding portraits of today.  In my view, the photographer is there to witness the event and capture it from afar, but with the close eye of a lens... This is what can capture those real honest moments; the moments that their partner saw in the first place that made them fall in love...  Wedding photography should capture all of those things and more... now of course you have to have those set ups with family, etc...but those shots can be a celebration too, and one in which everyone is alive, experiencing joy, having a good time and most importantly; a reflection of the couple they are there to honor...thats what I loved about shooting R&R's wedding.  They were just being themselves, and I just fleeted around that day.  I was a witness who happned to have a camera in tow.  Joy breeds joy and thats the energy that was flowing this afternoon and everyone was infected with that spirit.  I was smiling when I was taking these pictures because I felt the connection between these two, and it was powerful.  When that happens you capture magic, you feel what they feel, you see through their eyes forever.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Have something to say when you have something to shoot...

Its been awhile since Iv posted, and not because I don't have new pictures to post, quite the contrary...  I think I just have not had much to say, and why write something when you don't really have any new insight at the time? Today however was quite a new venture for me and one that is really inspiring and no doubt will fulfill another dream - mixing two passions and coming up with one fantastic piece of joy.   Animals (plus) photography (equals) joy.  To rewind a bit.  Some or maybe more than some of you know about my recent loss of my beautiful baby maine coon kitten due to a very swift and deadly virus called FIP which is thought to be caused by the corona virus.  Apparently lots of kittens are exposed to the corona virus...about 80% are carriers, and only 5-10% of those experience the mutation of the virus, and unfortunately there is no cure at this time. It was of course awful and no need to go into all of that except to say if you have ever lost a pet due to any reason you know the pain involved.  So I happen to "get adopted" by a new kitten a day after I had to put my baby down... yes one day...  It just happened and here I am with a brand new fragile furry life.  I took pictures of this beautiful creature thinking I was going to adopt her out... Well, that snowballed into taking pictures for a shelter that rescues orphaned / abandoned cats and kittens back to health in order to ready for adoption.  So today I put aside my human clients for a smidgen of time to focus on using my photography for a "cause" for the first time in a long time, and it felt like ... well it was what the big man put us on earth to effect a change and do something in order to better ourselves and hopefully our fellow peeps.  I had a blast taking pictures of all these beautiful creatures and hope this will help spurn pet seeking onlookers to maybe take a pause at these beautiful  photos...why?  Because animals are mysterious, beautiful, loving, joy and speak to us through their  poignant honesty with just a look.  They are simple creatures made up, from what I have always experienced, of a few ingredients...  Patience, Forgiveness and of course unconditional love...  There was one doggie out of all the kittys today I happend to take a picture of, and this little guy really represents every shelter, rescue organization and animal cause out there... His name is Hero and he was beaten with a pipe on his head by his owner.  Thank god was rescued in the nick of time from the abuse.  He was the friendliest, cuddliest, cutest pup I have laid my eyes on and if I had  200 acre ranch (fenced in of course)  I would have taken him on the spot with all the other animals I met today.  He just wanted to play,  be a dog and please us silly humans.  I was apart of his getting better today by playing with him, loving him and letting him know all of us are not bad people and I also took his picture... a beautiful picture of a beautiful animal who maybe will get a visit so folks could see what I did through my lens with that silent strong spirit.  It was one of the best shoots I have ever had, and I will never forget what I learned and what I can do now with my photography.  It is art and that is beautiful, but it can also be a cause that can effect change.  For more information on Hero and all the other animals I met today please visit "Another Chance Cat Rescue" on facebook

Monday, August 13, 2012

Wedding day bliss for two beautiful peeps!

Ok ok... so I dont do weddings... anyone who know me, knows that...with one exception - friends and friends of friends... if your a stranger, fageeddaabouddit...  I had the pleasure of taking photos of my friends wedding and they could not have picked a more glorious day to do it.  Perfect weather, great location and of course my speciality... NATURAL LIGHT!  One of the main reasons I stear away from weddings aside from birde-zillas I have encountered on occasion and just the pressure and strain of a wedding, is because most people also like to have weddings in places that do not provide enough light for beautiful pictures without the use of flashes and such.  A distraction in itself as it takes away from the moments and can ruin a beautiful event.  I love shooting weddings with great venues that have access to great light... such as large windows or skylights or open churches that bounce light all around and I love just being able to have the freedon to point and shoot. Ofcourse you have to make some adjustmets here and there, but not once did I use a flash, a light box or any other equipment other than me, my camera and my eye....  So convienient, so easy, and ready to get every moment without hesitation.  I love these type of weddings, and Im up for those anyday.  Thanks for letting me share in your day Danelle and Ari, I love you guys as people, artists and I hope we work together again, on stage and behind the lens!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ya GET what ya pay for... every time...

Ok, so yesterday was one of the HOTTEST days on record here in the ol midwest, so what a better way to spend it taking pictures???  That way, you can get out of your house you've been spending way to much time in avoiding the heat, spend some time in different environment and feeling confident looking so good all at the same time!  Brandon met me at crown center, then we hit union station and got some great photos.  I think I shot around 700 in all, but believe me he has tons of keepers and even more variety to continue to pick through and use for years to come.  This guy is 19, a young aspiring actor and he needed some pictures to begin to market himself.  (A brief story that relates.)  I was sitting in my agents office in NYC several years ago, and there was a pile of manilla envelopes full of hopeful young talent trying to get represented.  I asked if I could look at some of the pictures.  my agent replied, "Go ahead, most of them are horrible anyway"  So I got to looking, and unfortunately most of the pictures were slightly out of focus, not flattering, boring and just overall amateurish... not the first impression ya wanna make. But back to Brandon... this is a SMART guy, one who wanted to make a splash for his first impression, so what does he do?  He sets an appointment with me and we do it right the FIRST time. He brings colors that highlight his eyes,  skin tone and look. We take some time to get to one another so hes relaxed, and he was willing to let me spend as much time as we needed to get great stuff! Sometimes you don't get a second chance to make that first impression.  I pretty much can guarantee this kid will get seen by someone, I mean look at that face, those eyes...  You don't put that picture in a pile of rejects for sheer professional standard alone.  So, when you go to get professional pictures taken, don't sacrifice saving money for a crappy headshot... You ever heard the saying, "You get what ya pay for?" Well it's true.  Wait untill you have saved enough money to do it right the first time!!! I cant tell you how many agents,casting directors... clients will not even consider a meeting with you if you have a bad picture.  A picture can say a thousand words and you want those words to say who you are, what you stand for and what you have to offer!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Engagement photos in the worst heat drought in Missouri???? well...ok no problem.

Ok, so today I had a scheduled engagement session with two lovelies from Kansas City, the only problem.... 108 degree heat (but not till mid day!)  It was a cool 78 in the early morning... so we changed the time of the shoot and not only did we beat the heat, but got some of most gorgeous morning light this planet has to offer!  The West Bottoms is one of the top choices of photographers in K.C. and of course one of my new haunts.  I love it, they loved it...we all loved it.  So the moral of this little ditty?  Even though the weather is hot, humid, dreadful, sweltering....  You can still beat it if your willing to make an early start of it and not only that... You may just have the whole city to yourself, your own city backdrop as your studio.  It cant get any better than that folks.  Heres to summer loving, and shooting!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Location, location...location

The great thing about location photography is the unlimited creativity and options you will have at your disposal...  Studio photography is fast becoming a thing of the past as more and more photographers of today are able to go anywhere, anytime and shoot without all the fancy equipment and lighting set-ups.  With digital camera technology of today, it automatically gives the photographer a traveling studio within their own camera!  That's why I love on location shoots.  I'm not limited to one lighting setup or a few backdrops or the sometimes clinical feel of a studio.  The most important element of a great photo is not the camera first believe it or not, its the subjects comfort level before the shooting even begins.  If your not comfortable it will show every time.  you ever heard the saying "A camera doesn't lie?"  the slightest twitch of an eyebrow or sweat from nervousness will all be captured with great equipment, and the key to avoiding all the discomfort and nervousness in the first place is to simply shoot where YOU ARE COMFORTABLE!  I remember when I got some of my first professional head shots taken of myself in NewYork and went to a well known photographer.  She had a large studio on the lower east side and I paid a pretty penny for about 45 minutes worth of shooting.  For the first half of the shoot I was so self conscience because although the studio was beautiful, I felt like I had to model, or do something special to turn out a great photo.  The result... half of the photos were worthless and I looked posed, stiff, and just not "me"   When you hire a photographer who shoots on location you can pick where you want your photos taken, in the comfort of your own home, at a favorite park or downtown or wherever you feel best.  It also gives you a part in the process and you become a collaborator in the look and feel of your photos.  After all your paying for them, why not create something you will be happy with.  So think twice when researching photographers, and weigh out the pros and cons of studio vs. on location photography.  the results can make a world of difference!  The above shot was taken right on Ana's front yard in front of her garden.  The mother and baby were both relaxed, at home... comfortable and simply beautiful.

Friday, June 22, 2012

How about taking a professional picture in the comfort of your own home?
Its always fun to shoot someone at their HOME or Favorite place, because they are relaxed and... well... at "home"  I always find people are more relaxed in a familiar environment and are just more comfortable.  I took pictures of a Kansas City Director in her home recently; she was so relaxed and had a smile on her face the whole time... so next time you need pictures consider having the photographer come to you, instead of heading to an unfamiliar studio or place where you have no idea how it will make you feel.  the more relaxed you are the better your pictures will be, and with today's camera technology, you don't really need all the fancy lights and setup....  Good photographers can capture a great shot anywhere!

Monday, June 18, 2012
How do you find a good photographer????....  <a href="">Natural Light Photography</a> is one way (what is all that gobbily gook?)  or better yet, is a great way to find local photographers such as myself... but how do you do you find all these resources?  Most people look at the internet to find someone and usually go with a photographer they see on the first page a few ads down.  BUT, always recheck the same search twice, You will see different names pop up and different choices... One should never be quick about choosing a photographer because you may have missed that one you would have really loved  for simply not doing a second search or even checking the dreaded second page.  Another idea... Be specific in your search of exactly what your looking for... for example don't just type "kid portraits"  but type kid portraits Kansas City...Some photographers pay lots of money for certain words such as "kids portraits" that arnt even from kansas being specific is a great way to narrow down what you want . Another thing to think about...  When finding a few you like  CALL THEM and actually speak with the photographer... If you relayed to a secretary or assistant you wont get the feel of the actual photographer who will be shooting you so you will have no sense of how well you will work with them.  you have a voice and should be inquisitive about such a personal thing as a professional shoot, and you will want someone you can be open and comfortable with to get the best shots.  ASK QUESTIONS.  you shouldn't have to pay for a consultation about a session.  No question is a wrong question, that's why your going to the professional in the first place, for their expertise so ask them what you don't know or want to know... a good passionate photographer loves to share his/her tricks of the trade.  Last but not least don't go too cheap... their are a lot of very talented and at the same time reasonable photographers out there, But remember, ya get what ya pay for, and if the price seems too good to be true it usually is...  most shoots in the Kansas City area run anywhere from 200-400 for single rates and an upwards of 400-1000 for couples and weddings etc....  always price the competition and know what exactly your getting in a package shoot.  It can be a daunting process but a relatively easy one if you go about it in a smart way!

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Day In The Life of A FEARLESS Kid... *click* *click*

So today started out as usual, make the client feel comfortable by being....myself.  Which can sometimes be scary for the client, but not in this case!  I had a kid today who needed shots for a major round of callbacks in Florida for some big wigs in the kid casting world.  So I meet the family, Mom, Dad, Sister and shy (so I thought) round faced, blond haired cutie kid named Tyler.  We talk, get our set up for the first location and the day begins.  We got some great stuff as usual, and had alot of variety and looks...BUT, well, look - Ill just skip ahead to the good part... At the end of our shoot it was getting steamy and we were all a bit brain fried.  We are standing in the middle of Loose Park's Rose Garden right next to a large fountain...  I look the him, he looks at me and we both smile and silently agree.  I then immediately look at mom and sis and say "Be on the look out for park workers"  He gets in the fountain backs up to the major water fall spilling over the edge of the top pool and we got some of the greatest shots of the day.  This kid was fearless and we had a blast.  I wish all my clients were like this... Now I'm not saying everyone has to do crazy things on the spot to get a great shot... but just the pure conviction to do something wild in the moment can truly bring out the best in people and deliver some of the best moments ...  that's when art is created and a unique shot is captured.  Now I'm just hoping this kid gets a movie and they use one of these shots to promote it!  :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

My very first blog..... Lordy, here we go kids.  I'm a Kansas city natural light photographer, actress and all around vagabond traipsing the city with camera in tow shooting all kinds of people and places.  This week it was a few actors next week it will be promotional shots for The Unicorn Theater.  I love it, and am just trying to get my name and face out there more so people can actually see my proof in my pudding.  Each week ill be posting new tid bits and photography morsels as well as random session banter if it strikes me.  I hope you enjoy reading and following as I have no set recipe for this as of yet, and hope I never will!  Here's to happy faces and beautiful memories captured in a moment.